Version FINAL

Meeting: Sailfish OS (community event)

A Linux based, mobile OS in productive use

This event is not going to be recorded

Ein Treffen für Sailfish OS Interessierte, Nutzer, Enthusiasten und Entwickler, um Gedanken, Erfahrungen etc. rund um dieses alternative, Linux-basierte Betriebssystem für mobile Geräte auszutauschen.

Goals of this meeting (i.e. the whole Sailfish OS sub-conference):

  • Providing FrOSCon visitors with a short introduction of SailfishOS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet SailfishOS users for exchanging experience with SailfishOS, native apps, device support of SailfishOS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using SailfishOS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to SailfishOS (typ. 15 minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.

See timeline of the Sailfish OS sub-conference in room C120.

Everybody, please bring all your SailfishOS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.


Day: 2019-08-10
Start time: 14:00
Duration: 00:15
Room: C120

Language: de



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