Lecture: Living the dream: running a FOSS company out of your backpack

How I built a location independent self-funded company that focusses on Open Source Software completely


It's a dream many of us have: work from anywhere on your own schedule. No stress, no emergencies, just work when you feel like it. What binds us all together here at FrOSCon is our love for open source. In this talk, Walter will explain how he managed to reach this point, how it's not all roses and give some tips on how you can do it too!

First, we'll go through a short timeline of events, starting with the MySQL consulting project in 2008, to a failed shared hosting event in 2009 and finally to the server monitoring as a service project started in 2010.

I'll tell you what worked and what didn't work, I'll tell you where I failed and where I succeeded. I'll give you tips on low-cost marketing and how to search for people to work with you.

I'll tell you why I believe in openness, and how we think we can still make money even though we release all our technology back to the public as open source. I'll tell you what our future plans are and finally, you can ask me whatever you want to know.


Day: 2011-08-20
Start time: 15:15
Duration: 01:00
Track: Other



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