froscon06 1.02

FrOSCon 2006
Free and Open Source Software Conference

Tim Pritlove
Day 1
Location HS3
Start time 14:00
Duration 01:00
ID 77
Type Lecture
Track Applications
Language english

Planning conferences with Pentabarf

Organizing the chaos with the Lady of Discord

Planning a conference in the hacking community is a tough job. Pentabarf is a new approach to finding a solution pulling things together in a web-based database application.

Pentabarf is a new open-source project that is still in its infancy but should evolve to a useful web application enabling people to organize conferences, workshop meetings and similar events. Building on the strength of PostgreSQL and Ruby with partial use of Ruby on Rails. The software is distributed under GPL for open use and improvement.

Pentabarf is born out of the experience and needs of the Chaos Computer Club for organizing conferences, meetings, radio shows and other events. The software has originally been implemented for 21C3 and has since been used for a variety of events including Froscon.

The talk will explain and discuss the current design and philosophy of the application and is open for feedback of any kind for future development.