froscon2008 - 1.1
Free and Open Source Software Conference
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Sebastian Kügler
In his day-to-day work Sebastian Kügler works on various Open Source community projects, notably CodeYard, a community of high-school students creating Free Software and the K Desktop Environment. Within KDE, 'sebas' is a 'casual coder'. He switches between Plasma, KWin and other parts where he sees fit. As of summer 2006, 'sebas' is also member of the KDE e.V. Board of Directors.
Biography Sebastian Kügler <>
Originally from Germany, Sebastian Kügler studied Business Administration at the University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands. He is currently employed be the Department of Computer Science at the same university where he works on CodeYard. CodeYard is a project guiding secondary education students into the world of Free Software development by participating in an Digital Freedom Schoolyard.
Sebastian participates in the SQO-OSS project on behalf of KDE. The project aims to do research into quality improvement tools for Free Software.
Together with others, Sebastian set up the KDE Marketing Working Group during last summer's KDE world summit in Malaga, Spain and has since then become one of the thought leaders in marketing the free desktop. Areas of interest of this work range from coordination of existing activities over relationship management to scientific marketing research. Sebastian was elected as Board Member of the KDE e.V. in September 2007 where he focuses on marketing, communication and organisational development.
Sebastian is dedicated to push the Free Desktop into the mainstream market over the next years by professionalising organisational activities conducted in the KDE projects, but he also wants his work to serve as an example route for other projects to take.