froscon2008 - 1.1

Free and Open Source Software Conference

Susanne Ebrecht
Tag Day 2 (2008-08-24)
Raum Workshop
Beginn 14:00
Dauer 03:30
ID 153
Veranstaltungstyp workshop
Track Development
Sprache der Veranstaltung en

Workshop PostgreSQL

A quick overview about the main functionality of PostgreSQL.

The workshop will have a break for visiting the PostgreSQL Troubleshooting talk.

The workshop starts with an introduction in referential integrity and ends up with programming functions by using PL/PGSQL.

The workshop will have a break for visiting the PostgreSQL Troubleshooting talk.

The workshop is scheduled in English and I will do it in English. Only if there will be really only Germans at the workshop you can negotiate with me to do it in German. But as far as there will be only one listener who has problems to understand German I will do it in English.