Version 2.1_second_flush

Lecture: Kupfer Linux 2024 Status

What happens when you abandon your community for a year

We'll discuss what happened since last FrOSCon in the world of Kupfer Mobile Linux (an Arch Linux distro for phones and other mobile devices), despite the main developer's absence and what enabled this.

Kupfer Linux is a distro for mobile phones co-founded and maintained mostly by me as a hobby project and has gathered a very small community.

At last year's FrOSCon, I made big announcements for Kupfer and demoed some prototypes.
Shortly after the conference, I got swept away by $LIFE and $WORK events, leaving practically no time for the project and a bunch of half-finished merge requests.

We'll be examining what this meant for the development of tooling and our packaging, from the perspective of a bad maintainer.

- briefly show you what Kupfer is
- briefly discuss the promises made a year ago vs the actual changes achieved since then
- reflect on what enables even small communities to keep a project afloat somewhat on their own

No busses will be factored in this talk.


Day: 2024-08-17
Start time: 17:45
Duration: 00:15
Room: FOSS on Mobile (C117)

Language: en


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