Version 2.1_second_flush

Other: LPI exam

Candidates can take the Linux Essentials, Web Development Essentials, and Security Essentials in both English and German language, Open Source Essentials (only in English), as well as the LPIC-1 (German and English), LPIC-2 (German and English), and LPIC-3 exams (English only), as well LPI’s DevOps Tools Engineer and BSD Specialist exams (both in English only).

Therefore, we kindly ask candidates to preregister for the exams at:

How to attend the Exams Session:

Candidates must be in the exam room 15 minutes before the exam begins and bring a government-issued photo ID (passport, ID card, or driver’s license), their LPI ID, and the exam fee in cash


Day: 2024-08-17
Start time: 10:30
Duration: 01:30
Room: LPI (C015)



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