Version 1.0_first_flush

Lecture: Audio Morphing with SpectMorph

How to create a trumpet sound that gradually changes to a flute?

SpectMorph is a plugin which implements morphing between sounds. This talk is for musicians who are curious how the free and open source software SpectMorph works and how to use it while creating music.

While classical synthesizers create new sounds from scratch and classical samplers replay sounds as recorded, the SpectMorph approach is to use existing sounds provided as samples and morphing their spectrum to build new sounds. For instance, from the sound of two instruments like trumpet and flute, it could build a sound that smoothly transitions from trumpet to flute.

To do this, there are three basic steps: the first step is analyzing sounds to build a spectral model. The second step is combining the model of two or more sounds in more or less complex ways. Finally, the output sound is synthesized.

SpectMorph is available as LV2 / CLAP / VST2 plugin which works with most DAWs on all major platforms. After listening to this talk, you will know some of the interesting things you can do with the plugin while making your own music.


Day: 2024-08-18
Start time: 16:30
Duration: 01:00
Room: HS3
Track: other
Language: en


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