Version 0.42-with-extra-sparkles

Speaker: Sebastian Feldmann

Sebastian got into programing with Basic on the Commodore C64 and moved via Assembler to modern languages like C, Python or Go but for nearly 20 years now mostly PHP. Being in the enterprise business he mainly focuses on scalable and maintainable code. Sebastian is an active member of the PHP user group Munich and an open source contributor. If you meet him and you are not using git, you better run and hide or you are in for some serious git-evangelism.

Sebastian got into programing with Basic on the Commodore C64 and moved via Assembler to modern languages like C, Python or Go but for nearly 20 years now mostly PHP. Being in the enterprise business he mainly focuses on scalable and maintainable code. Sebastian is an active member of the PHP user group Munich and an open source contributor. If you meet him and you are not using git, you better run and hide or you are in for some serious git-evangelism.

First OSS Contact

The first time I really experienced open source not only from a user point of view was at an internship early 2001, we hat to patch some open source software because of a bug that affected us. I was absolutely amazed how easy it was to get the source code, fix the issue and recompile the software.

Contributer in OSS-Projekt

I’m currently maintaining two open source projects. The first one is a php backup tool I started back in 2014 that's called phpbu. The idea of this tool is to configure you backup process and keep the configuration with your project source code. The second one is Captain Hook, a git hook library that makes it easy to write custom git hooks in php. Besides my own projects I occasionally contribute to various other open source projects.
