Lecture: Vivaldi: Make * Play * Live

Freeing the Device Spectrum one gadget at a time


The world needs Free devices. KDE's Plasma team has set out to deliver a device that is Free, open and hackable, and which puts the user in full control of its hardware and software.

Plasma Active is a Free software system built to support a spectrum of devices. It is based on a well-known Free software stack, and aims at providing a user experience that aligns with how people integrate devices into their (digital) life, rather than providing just a way to run applications on.

Plasma Active provides more than just a launcher for applications. For users, it is a system that models around her digital life. The concept of Activities organises the users' digital assets in a way unseen on current devices. For developers, Plasma Active provides an answer how to get their software onto the users' devices on their own terms, not dictacted by large corporations. Most importantly, Plasma Active is a system open to anyone's imagination.

A bit more than one year ago, the KDE community incepted the Plasma Active project, a concerted and holistic effort to crack open the market for devices and provide a Free software system beyond the desktop. Much has happened in the first year, the team has released two stable versions of the system, partnering with the Mer project has lead to a good number of devices supported and even a tablet device has become available to customers around the world.

In his talk, Sebastian addresses a general audience and outlines concepts and achievements of the first year of Plasma Active, and an outlook to what can be expected. Demoes round up his introduction.


Day: 2012-08-25
Start time: 10:00
Duration: 01:00
Room: HS1/2
Track: Hardware
Language: english




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