Speaker: Gregor Geiermann


Die Twitter-Bio:

Linguist, Free (as in speech) Software user, Web developer using Django and interested in Python NLTK

I'm a research assistant and PhD student at Bonn Applied English Linguistics - my main research interests are the pragmatics of Computer-mediated Communication and methods in empirical linguistics. I currently work on a project called "Emerging E-mail Etiquette", which is looking for norms of appropriate e-mail behaviour in academia and beyond.

I wrote my MA thesis on different perceptions of rudeness in web-based interaction with data and informants coming from the Ubuntu Linux community. The main research question of my analysis was whether German and US American members of the Ubuntu community perceive rudeness differently or not.

I've been promoting the use of Free Software in every environment I have worked since 2005, when I became a Linux-only user. And I continue to be amazed by all the great Free Software projects out there, old and new ones.