Speaker: Scott Chacon


Classy Gentleman GitHubber, open source developer, Git evangelist, writer, world traveler, father, husband, cat rescuer, baby signer and gorilla tamer.

Scott Chacon is the VP of Git at GitHub. He is the author of the Pro
Git book by Apress (progit.org), the Git Internals Peepcode PDF as
well as the maintainer of the Git homepage (git-scm.com) and the Git
Community Book.

Scott has presented all over the world. LinuxConf.au, OSCON, RuPy,
Symfony Live, Ruby Kaigi, RailsConf, RubyConf, Scotland on Rails,
Euruko to drop a few names. He also does corporate training on Git all
over the where.

Scott is not an actor on Mad Men, and refuses to participate in Karaoke.


