froscon2010 - PREVIEW

Free and Open Source Software Conference

Manuel Odendahl
Day Day 1 - 2010-08-21
Room C117/PostgreSQL
Start time 10:00
Duration 05:00
ID 638
Event type Workshop
Track Tinkering
Language used for presentation English

Arduino paper automaton workshop

hardhack hands on workshop

In this workshop, participants will build a small cutesy paper automaton using an arduino board, motors, some electronic components and cardboard, and control it using processing. The goal here (besides having fun) is to delve quickly into topics that can seem quite alienating at first, depending on where you are coming from: programming, electronics, paper (those razor blades are sharp), design, mechanics.

In this workshop, participants will build a small cutesy paper automaton using an arduino board, motors, some electronic components and cardboard, and control it using processing. The goal here (besides having fun) is to delve quickly into topics that can seem quite alienating at first, depending on where you are coming from: programming, electronics, paper (those razor blades are sharp), design, mechanics.

Costs: Arduino: 26 EUR Motors + Components + Cardboard: 25 EUR

Materials to bring: Laptop, Arduino board if you have, drawing stuff, scissors, glue, xacto knife, cardboard.

Workshop time requirement: 8 hours with break.