froscon2010 - PREVIEW

Free and Open Source Software Conference

Sebastian Bergmann
Day Day 2 - 2010-08-22
Room C118/PHP
Start time 17:45
Duration 01:00
ID 633
Event type Lecture
Track PHP(C118)
Language used for presentation English

The cake is a lie

Even if you have not played the game Portal" you might have come across the phrase "The cake is a lie". According to the Urban Dictionary, it roughly translates to "your promised reward is merely a fictitious motivator".

Scaffolding, the meta-programming method of building software applications, promises easier development and a faster time-to-market. But the "code generation bliss" can lead to problems later on, for instance with regard to maintainability and scalability. This sessions takes a sceptical look at frameworks such as CakePHP and Symfony."

Even if you have not played the game Portal" you might have come across the phrase "The cake is a lie". According to the Urban Dictionary, it roughly translates to "your promised reward is merely a fictitious motivator".

Scaffolding, the meta-programming method of building software applications, promises easier development and a faster time-to-market. But the "code generation bliss" can lead to problems later on, for instance with regard to maintainability and scalability. This sessions takes a sceptical look at frameworks such as CakePHP and Symfony."