froscon2007 - 0.96

Free and Open Source Software Conference

Olav Schettler

Olav earned his degree in Computer Sciences from Dortmund University and his PhD from Delft Technical University. After leaving research in the early 90th, he worked as lead software developer in various small to medium internet companies. Since 2001, he implements content management projects for customers through his Cologne based consultancy, contAire GmbH.

Since 2001, Olav realizes content management projects for big clients such as Sanofi-Aventis or Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk. Although he thinks PHP is an ugly language and people mostly create throw-away code with it, most of his recent work has been on LAMP-based systems. Despite also being a PHP/MySQL-based system, he has fallen in love with the Drupal content management framework, mostly because it shows that you can create beautiful and powerful applications even in PHP.

Olav has contributed several Drupal modules and the phptal theme engine. He operates which gives away free Drupal hosting. Together with Friedrich Stahl, he authors a Drupal book for O'Reilly.