froscon2010 - PREVIEW

Free and Open Source Software Conference

Stephen Nelson-Smith
Tag Day 2 - 2010-08-22
Raum HS1/2
Beginn 14:00
Dauer 01:00
ID 655
Veranstaltungstyp Vortrag
Track Administration
Sprache der Veranstaltung englisch

Next generation capacity planning

Critical to successful systems management is the ability to detect trends within the vast amounts of both technical and business metrics available. The current crop of tools bring with them a number of disadvantages, from the weaknesses associated with the commonly used RRD backends to the presentation and management interfaces which haven't kept up to date with the volume and complexity of modern systems, or the advances in interface design. This talk explores two projects which represent the vanguard of a new breed of capacity planning tools - Visage and Reconnoiter. We'll discuss the design objectives and architecture and look at how to go about implementing them in practice. The talk will conclude with suggestions for improvements to the current approaches, which should give devops ample opportunity to experiment and contribute to the community.