froscon2009 - 1.0

Free and Open Source Software Conference

Fabrizio Manfredi
Day Day 2 (2009-08-23)
Room HS4
Start time 15:15
Duration 01:00
ID 325
Event type Lecture
Track Administration
Language used for presentation English

Create a disaster recovery site with opensource

By creating site for disaster recovery, the two main issues are rebuilding infrastructure, and moving data between the primary site and the alternate site. We present some solutions built on open-source software , which can solve the issues and keep services running until the main site is repaired.The session will discuss our experience in this deployment and detailed information on performance, scalability and hardware requirements.

Disaster recovery and business continuity planning are processes which help organizations prepare for disruptive events. The talk explains the basic concepts of business continuity, giving a brief overview on the business continuity plan and more detail informations (technical) on how to setup a Disaster Recovery site . We show two different approaches for creating a disaster recovery (DR) site, one the based on operating system layer and one based on the right design of the applications . The common elements on the two approaches are network design, data replication, monitoring system and system/configuration management. All these elements can be implemented with open source software, we explain advantages and disadvantages, performances and layouts on each solutions.