froscon2008 - 1.1

Free and Open Source Software Conference

Sven Guckes
Day Day 2 (2008-08-24)
Room C116
Start time 10:00
Duration 03:00
ID 246
Event type lightning
Track Other
Language used for presentation en

Lightning Talks on Sunday

make your point in a flash!

Lightning Talks are a series of very short talks - usually below 10mins each. At least one slot each day, possibly spanning two hours.

Lightning Talks are very short talks - usually below 10mins each.

Lightning Talks allow everyone to give a talk at the event - even if it was entered in the wiki the day before.

Lightning Talks should, however, be well prepared to get the point across in as short time as possible.

The goal is to give a quick statement on some topic (usually a program or a system) - and to gather people for more talk later at the social event or in between.