froscon2008 - 1.1

Free and Open Source Software Conference

Giuseppe Maxia
Tag Day 1 (2008-08-23)
Raum HS1
Beginn 17:45
Dauer 01:00
ID 241
Veranstaltungstyp lecture
Track Communities
Sprache der Veranstaltung en

MySQL Community How To

A visual guide to MySQL community participation

You may have heard of MySQL as the most popular database in the world. But what exactly do you do to be part of this community? This session will show graphically what is at your disposal to join one of the largest communities in the world. It's sort of a movie, but the end may change :)

The MySQL community is large, and the ways of participating are quite a lot. This session shows with graphical examples how to get an account, and to use forums, bug reports, the MySQL Forge with all its features, the wiki, MySQL University, blogging, conferences, and a few more ones.